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Choice Matters

facebook (160x160)I’m an Intuitive Practitioner and Motivational Speaker. I have worked for many years as a practitioner and set up Red Hall Clinic in 2009 in Lincoln. The reasoning behind this was to create a specialist team of complimentary practitioners to support and help clients move forward. I knew the importance of team work following my own experiences in dealing with, and overcoming, an illness which had halted my life. The experience of overcoming my illness  was so profound that I saw this as a gift that shouldn’t be kept to myself but should be shared.

The “Choice Matters” programme is there to enable people in understanding that choice affects everything we do past, present and future. We aim to explain how the mechanics of choice work and we help build a strategy for participants to use in their business, work or personal life to empower their future choices.

Never use an excuse to not further yourself as that in itself is a choice – and one that will create an imbalance.   

The link for the workshops is

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